We're in. Pretty much everything is unpacked and put into it's rightful place in the new flat now. The move ended up being a lot quicker than I thought it would be, but only went to highlight the sheer volume of stuff we have. There was a slight moment of panic when we could no longer see any of the floor, with half a van still to unload.
Got invited round for a party by the neighbours Friday night. Arriving through smokey doors Matthew Kelly would have been proud of, we were greeted by our two male hosts who were very hospitable, very dancy; with one sporting tremendously snaky hips, and very chilled out, thanks to the regular pizza delivery man delivering more than just pizza, if you catch my drift.
I don't think Lizzi was drunk enough at first, but we felt a little more at ease when our other neighbours arrived. After a couple of drinks and several games of 'I can't hear what you're saying because of the music, so I'm going to guess an appropriate reply and hope I don't offend' it was time to make the long journey home.
Whilst being a slightly surreal night in the company of people who's names still escape me, it was nice to meet the people with whom we share walls.
Let's hope they keep it down.